HTRC Transition FAQ

In the first major initiative to advance HathiTrust’s Strategic Vision, HathiTrust plans to transition the large-scale data analysis services and infrastructure of the HathiTrust Research Center (HTRC) to operate under HathiTrust to integrate advanced and emerging computational methods into its work and offerings and to do so in ways that can improve HathiTrust for the benefit of all users. The plans include changes for the HathiTrust Research Center in the coming years, though in the near term, there are no changes to existing HTRC services and existing users can continue their work. 

Read Full Announcement to Learn More

  • What is changing with the HathiTrust Research Center? 

HathiTrust will suspend funding of the HathiTrust Research Center at the end of 2026 to allocate resources toward new programs that leverage emerging technologies to enhance our services and collection. Over the next two years, we will evaluate HTRC services for potential transition or discontinuation. In the near term, current HTRC services will continue with no change for users. 

  • What does this mean for the HathiTrust Digital Library collection? 

There are no changes to the content of the collection, nor to the functions of the digital library interface such as search or download. Items continue to be available for reading access or downloading when the item is in the public domain or licensed as open access, and there are no contractual restrictions by a digitizing partner. Individuals may download such content in multiple different formats including PDF, Text, Image, TXT, and JSON for use with their own research tools. Contributing libraries will continue to contribute content as per usual. In the future, we intend to apply advanced computing methods to enhance the discovery and search capabilities of the collection for all users.

  • Why did you make this decision? 

This will allow HathiTrust to better focus and maximize our investments in analytics, machine learning, and other emerging technologies that would have wider impact for more users of the digital library. Our recently completed strategic visioning process — which included a complete program review of the HathiTrust Research Center — made it clear that our members highly value the collection and want us to make it useful and more valuable for a wider range of users of the digital library. 

  • Why are you making these changes now? 

HTRC was established in 2011 to create pathways for researchers to make computational, scholarly use of the corpus. We have long hoped to do more to apply those technologies to the HathiTrust Digital Library (HTDL) so more users could benefit from these tools. ​​HathiTrust has financially supported the Research Center, yet many of our members have rarely utilized HTRC’s services. Although some researchers have extensively used the collection for textual analysis, our investments have not benefited all members as intended. We now realize that the original funding and operational model for HTRC—consisting of researcher-led activities funded by external, in-kind, and HathiTrust support—is no longer suitable.  HathiTrust itself has grown significantly over the last decade, so moving forward, we believe that integrating the development of scalable, production-level services and enhancements of our text and metadata into HathiTrust’s core operations will better meet our goals.

The program review of the HathiTrust Research Center during our strategic visioning process revealed user needs reflecting the significant change in technologies and user expectations over the past decade, as well as opportunities to optimize HTRC operations and funding.

  • How are HTRC staff affected? 

HTRC staff are based at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Indiana University, and HathiTrust, the three entities that contribute to Research Center operations and funding. HathiTrust will continue its current level of funding for HTRC staff through 2026. HTRC staff have years of experience in the services and functions of HTRC and are contributing to early analysis and transition plans.

  • What services will be discontinued? Which ones will continue? 

We are not sure yet.  These decisions will depend upon the outcome of work already underway to evaluate HTRC’s existing services and functions. In the near term, current HTRC services will continue with no change for users.

  • How will you decide which services to continue and which to end?

We will undergo a holistic review that will evaluate HTRC services for potential transition or discontinuation. The evaluation will include assessments of reach, impact, technical viability, and cost. In the near term, current HTRC services will continue with no change for users.

  • I’m a user of HTRC services and my project is active.  How will this affect my research?

For now, there are no changes to services at the HathiTrust Research Center. Throughout this process, we want to minimize disruption for researchers. We commit to communicating anticipated changes to users with ample time to respond and to offer resources to support ongoing research when necessary.  You should continue to work on your research as you are today including support obtained through and

  • Will individuals still be able to use the collection for textual analysis?

This is our intention, but the method and process for future access for textual analysis is still being defined.

  • I have datasets that I have been using — can I still access these? 

For now, there are no changes to services at the HathiTrust Research Center.  You can contact the HathiTrust User Support Team ( to inquire about your datasets.

  • Is the HathiTrust Research Center closing?

By the end of 2026, HathiTrust will discontinue funding for the HathiTrust Research Center. Some of the data analysis services offered through HTRC today will continue in some form, whether directly through the HathiTrust Digital Library, via a HathiTrust partner, or through another independent entity.

  • Where can I send my questions? 

Please contact the HathiTrust User Support team ( and they will direct your question to the appropriate person.


HathiTrust may periodically update this FAQ based on questions we receive.
