Our Blog

2019: HathiTrust at Mid-Year & Upcoming Opportunities
Six months into the first year of implementing Strategic Directions 2019-2023, I want to share some highlights and take a look at where we are headed in the next six months. HathiTrust’s Strategic Directions, 2019-2023, reinforces our commitment to digital preservation and access, to our role as stewards of the cultural record, our interdependent success […]
August 6, 2019
HathiTrust Members: Opening State and Local Agriculture Documents
Wealth of Agriculture Documents HathiTrust Digital Library is a trove of preserved agriculture documents and traditional or historical practices. Several institutions have made these items available using a Creative Commons license, including a recent release of more than 1,000 agricultural bulletins and reports published by Michigan State University’s Agriculture Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Office.
May 7, 2019
Thousands of Historical California Legislative Publications Digitized and Openly Available Online!
By Paul Fogel, Manager & Technical Lead, Mass Digitization, California Digital Library California historical legislative research just got a bit easier. As a result of a collaboration between the California Office of Legislative Counsel and librarians at the University of California, Stanford University and the California State Library, nearly 4,000 California Assembly and Senate publications are […]
September 7, 2018
Popular LibGuide Draws on HathiTrust Repository: Unleashing the Power of U.S. Federal Documents
Prior to becoming the Head of Government Information & Data Archives at the University of Missouri (HathiTrust member since 2011), Marie Concannon spent ten years at the State Historical Society of Missouri. A self-proclaimed history lover and purveyor of government sources, she enjoyed answering visitor questions such as ‘What did such-and-such cost in such-and-such time period?’ […]
September 7, 2018
Findings from the Federal Documents User Needs Survey
By Valerie Glenn, Federal Documents Analyst, and Heather Christenson, Program Officer for Federal Documents and Collections As reported previously, the HathiTrust US Federal Documents Program has been conducting a user needs investigation to learn more about users of HathiTrust’s federal documents. As part of this investigation, in April 2018 the HathiTrust Federal Documents Team conducted […]
June 20, 2018
Interview with Boston University Professor & HathiTrust Researcher Cathie Jo Martin
By HathiTrust “I want to understand how reformers in Britain and Denmark in the 18th and 19th centuries thought about education and I use computational linguistics techniques applied to literature to do so.” In Her Own Words: Research Summary Despite their nineteenth-century political economies, poor, rural Denmark becomes a leader in public, mass primary education (1814) and secondary […]
April 2, 2018