Our Blog

Charting HathiTrust’s Strategic Directions: Update
By Mike Furlough, Executive Director Last summer we began work to define HathiTrust’s next strategic directions for 2019-2023.  We published a draft plan in late summer, then held several webcasts to discuss these proposals with members.   At our 2017 Member Meeting we devoted nearly the entire day to these issues and left tremendously energized by […]
February 28, 2018
Accessing Members-only Services with OpenAthens instead of Shibboleth
By Sandra McIntyre, Director of Services & Operations Working with the library staff at Macalester College, we have successfully set up log-in access to HathiTrust member services for the first time using OpenAthens rather than Shibboleth for providing information about users’ identities.
February 28, 2018
HathiTrust’s Six Millionth Open Book Highlights Congressional Investigations
"The Roaring 20's returned to Atlanta, Georgia, on October 24-28, 1970.” This sentence appeared not in the style section of the Atlanta newspaper but at the start of an interoffice memo between Internal Revenue Service offices. The full memo and the backstory can be found in the six millionth openly available item deposited in HathiTrust, digitized by the University of California, Riverside.
January 31, 2018
HathiTrust Libraries Propose to Retain More Than 16 Million Volumes in Shared Print Program
Fifty HathiTrust member libraries have proposed to retain more than 16 million volumes for 25 years under the HathiTrust Shared Print Program. These volumes correspond to more than 4.8 million individual book titles held in the HathiTrust Digital Library (about 65% of all HathiTrust digital monographs). This is a significant step toward the primary goal of the program: to ensure that print copies of all HathiTrust digital holdings remain available to scholars for many years to come. The Shared Print Program is a core program of HathiTrust, supported by and benefiting all of the more than 120 HathiTrust members.
June 29, 2017
Workshop Brings Together Staff from All Sites
by Sandra McIntyre Thirty-eight HathiTrust staff members met February 2-3 in Chicago for the first-ever HathiTrust all-sites staff workshop. The attendees included managers, librarians, developers, systems administrators, and graduate students who work at HathiTrust’s distributed sites, including the sites at the University of Michigan, University of California, Indiana University, and University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.
February 22, 2017