Member contributions of digitized content to HathiTrust is essential to our shared mission of preserving and providing access to the record of human knowledge. Our standards ensure that your items are properly digitized for quality and preservation, as well as formatted appropriately for deposit. Whether you are digitizing content for the first time or working with an existing digitization and content workflow, we will connect you with the right technical documentation and help you along the way. See Contribute Content for an overview of the process.

Digitization Guidelines

If you're new to digitizing your content for deposit in HathiTrust, start here. We'll walk you through the basics.

About Ingest

This overarching document provides the definitions, policies, design principles, and procedures related to the ingest of digitized book and journal content and associated metadata.

Metadata Guidelines

Review specifications for preparing metadata, which must be as complete as possible with specific MARC and data fields, including OCLC number.

Metadata Submission

Part of the contribution process involves preparing and submitting bibliographic metadata for the digitized content.

Content Submission

The submission package contains the set of files that comprise the complete digital object -- image files, OCR text, metadata and other files.

Ingest Logs

The ingest logs provide item-specific reports, also available for each week of activity. The ingest logs include the item identifier and whether ingest succeeded or failed.

Ingest Reports

Ingest reports provide weekly overviews of ingest activities, and each report is broken down by member contributor. Allows contributors to track ingest process.

Submit Bibliographic Corrections

Correct the bibliographic record of a book originally contributed by your library, and then re-submit the bibliographic record to HathiTrust using this process.

Questions About Contributing Content?

Contact our member-led user support team to get started!
