Bibliographic Rights Determination

Information Used
DateType 008:06
Date1 008:07-10
Date2 008:11-14
PubPlace 008:15-17
PubPlace17 008:17 (last byte of pub place. “u” indicates published in the US, otherwise non-US)
GovPub 008:28
VolDate Latest year parsed from z30_description field. Set to null if nothing could be parsed or if no z30_description.
BibFmt Bibliographic record format (BK, SE, etc.)
Imprint field 260 or 264 ind2=1


Check of imprint field for multiple subfield a:
If PubPlace 17 eq “u”, and the imprint field contains multiple subfield a’s, then the data in each subfield a is normalized and matched against a list of known US cities.  If any of the subfield a’s are not in the list, then the mult_260a_non_us flag is set.

Determination of date:
If the Date1 or Date2 field contains all fill characters or blanks, it is set to null.  If it contains at least one digit, then any occurrence of “u” or a fill character is changed to “9”.  So, “19uu” would be changed to “1999”.

BibFmt eq ‘SE’ and VolDate exists:
date_used = VolDate

DateType eq ‘t’:
if Date2 exists, date_used = Date2
if Date1 exists, date_used = Date1
otherwise, date_used = unknown

DateType eq ‘r’ or ‘e’:
if Date1 exists, date_used = Date1
otherwise, date_used = unknown

if Date2 exists and Date2 > Date1, date_used = Date2
if Date1 exists, date_used = Date1
otherwise, date_used = unknown

Assignment of rights attribute (a complete explanation of rights attributes is available at

(The first status set is the one that is used.)

For US publications (PubPlace17 eq “u”):

For government publications (GovPub eq “f” ):

If NTIS (imprint field contains “ntis” or “national technical information service”) and pub_date  >= (current_year – 6)

then status = “ic”

else if Smithsonian (110, 130, 260, or 710 field contains “smithsonian”)

and pub_date >= 1928

then status = “ic”

else if

    NIST-NSRDS (series field 400|410|411|440|490|800|810|811|830 contains “nsrds” or “national standard reference data series”)

   or Federal Reserve (author field 100|110|111|700|710|711 contains “federal reserve”)

and pub_date >= 1928

then status = “ic”

else if National Research Council (U.S.) (110, 130, 260, or 710 field contains “national research council (U.S.)”)

and pub_date >= 1928

then status = “ic”

else if Armed Forces Communications Association (110, 130, 260, or 710 field contains “armed forces communications association”)

and pub_date >= 1928

then status = “ic”

else if Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association (110, 130, 260, or 710 field contains “armed forces communications and electronics association”)

and pub_date >= 1928

then status = “ic”

else status = “pd”

else if National Gallery of Art (110, 130, 260, or 710 field contains “national gallery of art”)

and pub_date >= 1928

then status = “ic”

else status = “pd”

For non-government publications (GovPub not “f” ):

If mult_260a_non_us eq ‘y’ and date_used is between current_year minus 125 and 1925 inclusive, then status = “pdus”

If date_used is < 1928 then status = “pd”

Otherwise, status = “ic”

For non-US publications (PubPlace17 not “u”):

non_us_cutoff_year is current_year minus 125
If date_used is < non_us_cutoff_year
then status = “pd”
If date_used is >= non_us_cutoff_year and date_used < 1928
then status is pdus
Otherwise, status = “ic”
